SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Morishima雄町 純米大吟醸 しぼりたて純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Morishima Check-in 1
Morishima Check-in 2Morishima Check-in 3
Happy New Year ㊗️ Thank you to everyone who responded to my review, took a quick peek, and gave me a "like". We've had a lot happen along the way, but we're looking forward to another new year and a happy sake LIFE 😊. And we started the new year with a greeting and toast at the home of the wife's parents 🍶. My niece and her husband will join us as usual, so we have prepared a good amount of drinks 🤗. We chose Morishima for the second bottle. Junmai Daiginjo Shiboritate️ made with Omachi This sake is brewed after a year of aging and storage. It is said that this is the farmer's strong wish. The farmer wants to make sure that the rice itself is matured before brewing. This is a unique process that I have not heard of before. Not only the brewer but also the rice farmer who provides the rice is very particular about making the best national sake. The aroma is refreshing, with a ginjo aroma of muscat and rumminess. And the mouthfeel is fresh and fresh 😊. The taste is slightly light and soft, slightly sweet, clear and transparent 😋.
Happy New Year to you, Masha 😃! Morishima is delicious - I like it too👍. Let's enjoy choosing and drinking sake again this year 🕺🏻.
Happy New Year, Masha 🎍 and I look forward to working with you in the new year 🙇♂️. I haven't had Morishima yet 😅I'll try it somewhere this year 😆.