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Kaiun純米 山田錦純米
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コの字酒場 「Goen」
Kawagoe. Moving on from Koedo Kurari, we had lunchtime sake at a restaurant that opened at 1400. U-shaped counter with a modern, casual atmosphere. First, a draft beer 🍺. Japanese potato salad with mackerel, myoga, and nuts Sake is served cold at first. Omakase" three kinds of sake. Kaiun, Sohyo, and Hidakami. This is the first time I have tasted Kaiun's fire-aged Yamada-Nishiki, and although it is fire-aged, it has a slightly sweet flavor and is very neat and tasty. As one would expect from Kaiun. Also, I have more confidence in the restaurant's choice of Kaiun for omakase. ⤴️ Fried chicken. Half-and-half of thigh and meat. Crispy fried, tender and juicy. This is delicious👍.
Good evening, Mr. Hiraccio 😃. Omakase 3 kinds of CHOICE is a restaurant for the reluctant connoisseur 😍✌️ The snacks look delicious and the lunchtime drinks are great 😍.
Good morning, 3KAN4ON 😊. The three omakase sakes were sharp but a little bit different types of choice, and the waiter's comments were accurate. The snacks and food were also delicious.