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I bought this nigori sake at the Kinkame Kura Festival! This is the sake that got me hooked on sake, and I haven't been able to buy it in a long time because the timing just hasn't been right. I heard that it is made after December, when the new rice is ready for brewing. This was the first time I attended the spring brewery festival and found nigori sake: ❗️ It is available in spring, not fall 😊. It is not junmai sake, but it is an easy to drink sake with a less sake-like taste. I tasted it at the Kura Matsuri and was disappointed that it was a bit gassy, but I have high hopes for the unopened nigori I brought back! When I opened the bottle, I poked the hole in the center of the cap with a toothpick and it blew out with a pusch ❗️. I was in a hurry, but it subsided after that and the bottle was safely opened 😁. It tastes great when it's freshly opened 👍! I love the feeling of gas and the tingling sensation on my tongue 😊.
Robin, good morning ☀Thanks for your review of Kinkame's brewery opening 😊I was looking forward to seeing what the nigori sake looked like when it was first opened 😊The momentum from the vent looks amazing and delicious in the pictures 😋.
Hi Nemuchi, ☀️ I thought it was a bit of a mess, but I was able to open the bottle and drink it without wasting any gas 😁.