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Eikun純米吟醸 夏の白菊純米吟醸
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尾崎商店 中央店
It appears that it secretly passed the 200 check without my knowledge 🤭 lol This is the third year for me to drink this summer white chrysanthemum. So far, it has been sweet and sour, and just like the package design, it has been a very English sweet and sour wine, but what do you think this year? The aroma is...what? Not at all! No harshness, no sweetness, no junmai ginjo ginjo aroma! I can't compare it to the summer Shirakiku I had until last year because I didn't pay attention to the top-drawer aroma, but anyway, it's interesting that there is no aroma. When you drink it...it is literally really like water. From there, a citrus-like acidity emerges, and the sweet-amami flavor expands a bit and gets sharp. As the temperature approaches room temperature, the last bitterness and then the sweetness is felt from the beginning, but this too does not feel sticky and quickly disappears. The low alcohol content of 13 degrees does not give it an alcoholic taste, and the bitterness is not felt to any great extent. This may be the reason why the overall feeling of the wine is less sticky and flows smoothly, just like water. It has a sweet and sour taste, but this year it is more elegant than usual, and anyway, it is smooth. If you wonder what it resembles, it's Senkou Kabutomushi! Especially the second day, they look exactly alike!
Hello, flos_lingua_est. I know a store that sells Eikun, but I haven't been able to go there recently. This looks like a good drink for summer 😁. You have already checked in over 200 times. Congratulations 🎉🎉!
Hi TOMO 😊 I've only had two kinds of Eikun, but they were both a big hit, so I hope you'll try them too! I've been updating slowly lately, but I'm happy to finally hit the 200 mark! Thank you ✨☺️