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Osaka Amenity Park (OAP) (大阪アメニティパーク (OAP))
Tenma Taishukai 2024 ⑥ At the venue, there was a DJ booth playing Showa songs such as Seiko Matsuda and Akina Nakamori, and people were singing and dancing 🎵. I was so excited to see so many people with their kids on leisure sheets 😅 here next to the Imperial Hotel 🤣. It's totally different from Japanese Sake festival 🤔. Not that I'm denying it 😁. Kotobuki Sake Brewery in Takatsuki City, the same city as Kiyotsuru. They also have Kuninonaga Beer with their trademark 🐸 🍺. Walking distance from Hankyu Tomita station, closer to the station than Kiyotsuru. We drank Frog Label Junmai Ginjo Nama Genjyo I heard that they fill the tank with the toji's favorite tank, so the specs must be slightly different every year, but I got the impression that there was not much difference. It seems to be basically spicy. I bought it several times because of the cute label, but to be honest, I never got into it. Kuninochou Daiginjo The label is different from the one that comes up in a search, but I wonder if it has been renewed. It has a gorgeous ginjo aroma and a sweet, sweet flavor that I like, but the list I got at the event said it was 3,900 yen 😳. I think this price is quite expensive for a 50% polished rice ratio... The price on the official website is about 3100 yen, but I wonder if the price has been raised due to the label renewal? Or is it a new product with completely different specs?