SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Nanbubijinあわさけスパーリング 葛飾北斎富嶽36景 東海道金谷の不二発泡
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! I'm sorry for the inconvenience 😄 Typhoon 🌀10 has strayed and swept over Japan, how is everyone doing? Iwate Prefecture, which was supposed to be far away from here, was also hit by heavy rain, and there was damage everywhere. Just a little bit of difference in location can change the way the damage is done and make you panic 😱. My family has been in a cleaning mode since the end of the Obon season, and we had a long and tiring weekend of cleaning and putting things away. In addition, bees have made nests all over the place due to the heat, and I was constantly spraying insecticide around the time it got dark. 😅 The bees are also trying very hard to protect their hives, so even though I was fully protected, I was scared to death! 😱 I've been so busy, but now that it's all settled, I can finally upload the brands I drank with my sons on Bon. 😁. The first bottle is Nanbu Bijin sparring. This is the one I ordered online from the brewery. It's been in the fridge for almost 2 years (lol). Now that everyone is here, let's have a toast! Cheers 🥂. Oh, it tastes beautiful. It's still sake, but it's clear, refreshing, and the flavor spreads in a clear way! My sons also drank up the sake with satisfaction! It was very delicious! 👍
Southern Beauty still untapped 💔. Looks good 🍶. I'd love to drink some Iwate sake 🤔🍶✨✨
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, chika! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 Nanbu Bijin is all delicious 👍! I've been enjoying drinking Iwate Prefecture's sake, which is relatively sweet and easy to drink, but they've been working on a lot of things lately, so I enjoy drinking it too! 😁😁
By the way 😊I'm going to ask 😏 by the way lol Does Kibune have sake 🍶 upstairs 🤔🍶⁉️⁉️ do you have shinmasa or something in the 2℃ room ⁉️⁉️ tell me 😍 please 🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️
熊谷 朋之
chika, I think the second floor is only shochu or mainly that, as I recall. I can basically do my business only on the first floor. 😅 As for Shinsei, you have to go through the steps of talking to the store staff and getting to know them.
熊谷 朋之
It used to be in the refrigerator room, but I have heard that it has been retracted due to the number of new government only. We don't want any unintentional leakage of information, so please don't expect us to let you out easily. We would be grateful if we could share one bottle of something that goes to the pub.
I knew it was similar to the liquor store where I buy my Shinsei 🤔Thank you for all the detailed information 🙇🏻‍♂️💕💕I'm sure I'll ask more questions in the future, but let's enjoy sake 🍶 together 🤣👍You're welcome 🙇🏻‍♂️✨✨