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Kubota千寿 吟醸吟醸
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居酒屋 達
First time for Kubota Senju Aruzoe confrontation No miscellaneous taste It was a delicious sake with a light, almost watery taste. extensive knowledge Kubota Senju" is the very origin of Kubota, first created in 1985 when Kubota was launched. Seeing the shift in the foundation of labor for Japanese people living in urban areas from physical labor to intellectual labor, the company aspired to create a "light and dry" sake. By making fundamental improvements to the sake brewing process, Kubota achieved a clean, light, dry, yet mellow taste that was not for everyone at that time. Thirty-five years have passed since then. In keeping with the times, we pursued a more "refreshing taste that goes well with meals. We have made sure that the fermentation process is highly precise at low temperatures, and have increased the refreshing taste with less cloying flavors. We also maximized the effects of koji to create a wide range of flavors while maintaining the clean, refreshing, and light taste. Rice (Polishing ratio)Koji rice / Kake rice: 50% Gohyakumangoku / 55% Gohyakumangoku Alcohol content 15.0 Sake meter degree +5.0 Acidity 1.1