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鳳の舞令和五年豊穣感謝祭 純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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和酒専門店 ユナイテッド ファーファ
Purchased at a liquor store. It is a Bountiful Harvest Thanksgiving, which I had recommended and promoted to the manager for some time. I like history, so I was going to buy a bottle of Ho-no-Mai because of the Heike family crest on the label. According to the manager, it was his personal favorite among the seven participating breweries. Is it rare? Sake dealers for the Bountiful Harvest Thanksgiving Festival are listed online. Cold sake. The aroma is subdued. It has an elegant taste with the freshness of new sake, but it is light and crisp on the throat. It has volume and is not so assertive. The aftertaste is rather long. We enjoyed it with steamed oysters. It may be recommended for sake beginners.