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Jikon酒未来 生2023純米吟醸生酒
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GW had no plans to go out, so he drank from the stockings of his house. The first bottle was Jikin Junmai Ginjo Sake Mirai Nama 2023. We had given up on this one because it was passed up in a lottery at our favorite store, but we were able to buy a bottle with a point sale! I love Jikin, so I personally appreciate the one-sho bottles more! Last year I drank it all up in an instant from a four-pack, so I'm going to take my time with a one-pack! I was told by the liquor store that the number of bottles of Sake Mirai in stock has been reduced this year because the rice has not melted due to the abnormal weather.., I could enjoy its taste from the time of opening the bottle to a few days later, When the bottle was first opened, it was fresh and refreshing, but gradually the melon-like sweetness became more pronounced! I am looking forward to next year's bottle! Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 15.5