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Yamazakikamoshiやまざきかもし 夢吟香DREAM 純米大吟醸原酒純米大吟醸原酒
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旬菜と酒 余花
This sake was the one I was most interested in on the menu! I've never had it before, so I had to choose something other than Saga sake! Junmai Daiginjo! This one also has a jet black bottle with a red butterfly motif on it! Great expectations! I knew it was good! Sweet and delicious! My best friend chose this as the last dish! Mountain sea urchin tofu? It's my first time! You can have it rolled up in a nori (seaweed), or you can put some on a plate and lick it up with chopsticks as you sip your sake. Uni Tofu is also good to have wrapped in Nori. The butterfly "Asagimadara" is depicted on the label of this sake. It is named "DREAM" with the dream that this sake will transcend the oceans and become a universal sake loved by people all over the world, just like the butterfly that crosses the sea from Mount Mikane. It is pure local Mikawa junmai daiginjo-genshu brewed with "Yumeginko," a new rice variety for sake brewing developed by Aichi Prefecture, and subsoil water from the Mikane Mountains. Because it is handmade, the production volume is small, and it is a product available only to exclusive dealers. It is a friendly sake with a gorgeous aroma and a broad, rich flavor.