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田中 楽田中 楽
誉池月 Check-in 1誉池月 Check-in 2
田中 楽
December 28, 2017, the last day of work, at the usual Shibuya Tiger's Brewery. The brewery is Ikezuki Shuzo Co. in Onan-cho, Shimane Prefecture. The "Kihachi Special" is said to be a special product of Kihachi Koyama, the manager of the distributor, Koyama Sake Shop. The rice used is 100% local Sako Nishiki. The label is full of information: "wooden vat shibori," "straight pumping," "rice polishing ratio 70%-5%," "arabashiri," "honnama," "super dry," and "junmai-shu. The brand name "Ikezuki" seems to derive from the name of a famous horse associated with Kamo Shrine. It was bought by Minamoto no Yoritomo... For more information, visit the website. http://ikezuki.com/indexsakagurashoukai.html