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Shinshu Kirei美山錦 純米大吟醸39純米大吟醸
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
It's really hard to find these days, but there are some things I'd like to taste, regardless of the price. ‼︎ The price of the jacket.......6/10 I like the regular jacket better. Ki ... 18/20 The smell is weak apple-like, with a hint of acidity on the tip of the tongue. The quick and universal flavor sensation plus the stimulation of acidity is the ultimate sense of balance! Seung ... 19/20 The combination of acidity and sweetness is followed by the acidity going away and the sweetness becoming more pronounced. It makes me feel calm. The acidity also changes to a burning sensation and becomes a good accent. Turning... 18/20 The aromatic sublimation smell is also present at the ‼︎ point, but the sweet/odd malted rice smell with complexity is amazing! The sweet and tasty smell also becomes clearer in the latter half, but it is good that it is not overdone. Yui... 15/20 The astringency and bitterness should not be left. As is common with hiya-ning, sweet and tasty and burnt cannot coexist. Cospa ... 4/10 The owner of the store, you shouldn't be so eager to take advantage of his business.... The texture is consistently razor sharp, which is the reason for the demerit. 80 points
The reason for the lower score is the overly penetrating Alc. Well, if you want to feel its true potential, you have to drink it raw.