SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hidakami純米吟醸 うすにごり生酒
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The pace at which I drink and the pace at which I post are so different I don't know what to do...how do you guys do it 🤔? The taste is soft, sweet and refreshing✨I have a theory that last year it was a ginjo and this year it's a junmai ginjo. By the way, last year it was a label, this year it was printed directly on the bottle 😁It was as clear and delicious as the label: ☺️
Eels konbanhas ¡Thanks for the decision. We're forgetful in our house, so we say we'll post when we drink 😊. I know it's hard for people who drink a lot or a lot of different kinds of drinks💦. I also heard they give up if they don't get it in time😅
Good evening, Eririn-san. Thanks for your comment! Well, I'll post when I drink! I know I'm supposed to post when I drink, but I can't do it at all 😭 I'm having so much fun when I'm drinking that I just end up piling it up...