The second revival sake is "Suitama" by Ryoseki Shuzo, a recent favorite of mine 🍶.
The last one we drank was the back, so this time it was a Junmai Ginjo from the royal road ⁉️ 😀.
The wife chose Ryoseki Shuzo as it was her first time to drink it and she seems to like it.
The aroma is still fruity.
The mouthfeel is clean and flows smoothly. The sake is also smooth and doesn't linger in a good way. It is also fresh and easy to drink.
I'm sure I'll be able to go on and on with this one 😍Be careful not to drink too much ⚠️ and close the bottle and return to the fridge 😅I'm looking forward to tomorrow 😊.
Hi, Mr. Baum.
Suitama is delicious, isn't it? ⤴️
My friend gave it to me when I first started drinking sake and I was hooked 😋.
This year I would like to do a Suitama drinking comparison 🎵.
It's a fun time to drink since your wife likes it too 😊.
ma-ki-San, good evening 😊Ryoseki sake brewery has a parade of delicious sake without fail 😋I'd like to compare them at my house too 😋.