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Kawanakajima GenbuKawanakajima Fuwariとある純米吟醸発泡
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It was served as the first toast at a certain sake party. A cloudy sparring. It was the perfect sake for a toast. It has a shwashy and sweetness that is typical of Genmai, and yes, it is a Genmai sake. After that, we had the sake in the fourth picture. The toji (master brewer) also came to the party and we had a very meaningful time listening to his stories. However, except for this first toast, I felt that the sweetness typical of Genmai was a little subdued. Perhaps my expectations were too high, or perhaps I had changed my image of Genmai in my memory because I had not had it recently. I have not been able to find it recently because of its popularity, but I would like to try it next time I come across it.