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Beau Michelleスノーファンタジー原酒生酒にごり酒
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The first Beaumichel is a wintertime-only Snow Fantasy. It is already the season for spring sake, but it is so cold that snow is predicted, so it is a winter sake again. It is lightly nigori (light nigori), but I took a sip of the supernatant first. It is so sweet and sour that it makes your salivary glands tingle. Perhaps it was the color of the label that made me think I was drinking apple juice when in fact I was drinking sake. There is no bitterness or astringency at all, and none of the sake-like characteristics are present. The alcohol content is 9%, so you can drink it lighter than you would normally drink sake. I don't think there are many people who would call it sake if they drank it blind. It has a different taste when mixed with lees and drunk lightly nigoromi (light nigori). A lactic acidity is added and the taste becomes mellow and soft, transforming it from apple juice to grated apple. I stopped halfway through because it would have been a waste to drink it all up, but it is a low alcohol 500ml, so I would normally finish it.