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Jikon特別純米 にごりざけ
シシ神I haven't been to the store in a long time👍 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ I'll have my first ✨Jikin Nigori Sake✨! Then, a sip...Mmmm...delicious! It's a nigori sake, but it's refreshing! And in the mouth, a soft The sweet taste spreads in the mouth... delicious 🥴! ⚡️ was a very satisfying nigorizake!
ハリーGood evening, Deer God😄. Oh, I found the same one! And from the same place! I know you took it from the same place. I'm sure you'll be able to find a better place, You must be dining 😅.
シシ神Hi Harry, good evening! Coincidentally, we were close to the same angle lol. I've been going to Hasegawa to buy some lately. I love drinking outside 😆👍