From Miyoshikiku Shuzo, Tokushima Prefecture...
Miyoshikiku Omachi Junmai Ginjo Shinshu Shiboritate (Oorigarami)
This is a freshly pressed junmai ginjo brewed with this season's new rice, "Omachi" from Tokushima prefecture, and Tokushima yeast!
No filtered or watered-down water is added.
The aroma is reminiscent of pineapple, which is "the Miyoshikiku".
The fresh mouthfeel is followed by a tropical sweetness that fills the palate.
The taste is freshly squeezed, unfiltered, and clear, with a pleasantly astringent aftertaste that is mellow and refreshing at the same time!
It is easy to drink, and you can't help but enjoy it.
This is the "orikarami" version, which has a slight leesiness to it!
The basic taste is the same, but the lees makes it smoother and the flavor is a little richer.
Rice: ・・・・ Omachi from Tokushima Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 60
Yeast used・・・Tokushima yeast
Alcohol content・・・16 degrees