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銀シャリ特別純米酒 無ろ過生原酒 ササニシキ特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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<The sourness and the semedyne feeling are crunchy. From the initial aroma, there is already a strong Semedyne feeling. It feels like an unfiltered undiluted sake. It is very strong. Some people may be surprised to find semedyne in sake, but unfiltered undiluted sake sometimes has this kind of aroma. The cause of this is a substance called ethyl acetate, which is also found in ripe bananas and melons. Of course, this is also the smell of semedyne. It's really strange that such an aroma can come from just rice and water, isn't it? The taste is mainly sour, with only a little sweetness at first. It is fresh, sharp and dry. And the overtone is also full of Semedyne. Incidentally, it had a great aroma this time, but that's partly because it was served warm. It was selected by the lady at the shop. She has the sense to heat up a sake with this flavor! Amazing! It was interesting. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I'd say it's Bela Yaga from Arya and the Witch. She's a villain, I guess. She is a witch with a peculiar appearance and character. Satisfaction level: ★★★☆. I'll post the full version on the blog, complete with character images and such. If you'd like, you can search for "korune sake" or come from the link in my profile section.