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Wakamusume月草 中取り特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Next is a sake brewery I've had a taste of. I looked at it again and saw that it was a sake brewery, but this time it was Wakamusume, a sake brewery that has not yet submitted a post. Hachitan-Nishiki 60% polished, alcohol 15.5 Luckily, it was just a mouthful: ☺️ A lively opening sound with a "spontaneous f" ♫ When you drink it, it is slightly effervescent and has acidity. It has a strong sense of koji (malted rice) and sweetness. The sweetness is on par with Kojo-zake. It's like a juice with little alcohol. I'm enjoying this new encounter.
Hi ymdaz 🐦. It's a great event full of delicious drinks - ❣️ wakamusume delicious and I'm totally hooked 😁.
Good evening, Pon 😃. My first encounter with wakamusume was on the manager's treat at a drinking party and I too was surprised at how delicious it was! This Tsukigusa was meh sweet, but I would like to try a different one 😉.