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Takashimaya (岡山タカシマヤ)
I was thinking 🤔 what sake to pair with nabe today 🍲, when I was able to taste it at the liquor store in Takashimaya and chose this one because it has a nice sharp and balanced taste and the sales person said this sake would go well with nabe👍. The aroma from the sake cup is a grain-like aroma that is typical of sake. In the mouth, there is a slight sweetness, sourness, and bitterness, and the taste is well-balanced and refreshing with umami. It is a sake that you will not get tired of drinking. And the cost performance is also great 👌I recommend this for everyday drinking 😊. I paired it with some yellowtail sashimi that I bought when I bought the sake. From here I changed to lukewarm 🍶I think the acidity increased a bit. While the flavor of the sashimi is enhanced, the moderate acidity of this sake creates a pleasant harmony in the taste and makes it a mellow drink 🥴. Then, to the nabe (hot pot). The acidity comes first, followed by a slight sweetness. The aftertaste is refreshing and makes the meal more enjoyable. ❤️ Personally, I prefer it cold rather than lukewarm. Polishing ratio] 58%. Alcohol content: 15% to 16%. Pickles] Yellowtail sashimi & Yose-nabe Tax included】1,215 yen