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荷札酒 Check-in 1荷札酒 Check-in 2
荷札酒 Check-in 3荷札酒 Check-in 4
Kafuda-shu Junmai Daiginjo Shiboritate FUNABAKUMI ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 100% Gohyakumangoku, Polishing ratio 50%. ALC 14% (undiluted) Kamo Nishiki Shuzo Kamo City, Niigata Prefecture While riding the Tokaido Line back to Chigasaki after enjoying Hokkaido sake in Aoyama, we received a call from a familiar izakaya about a sake delivery 😃. Hmmm... I had a hard time deciding but decided to stop by 😅. The snacks were the usual assorted sashimi. Tonight it was sea bream, seared swordfish and flatfish🤗. The aroma is only faint. It has a tangy taste, but it goes down your throat softly and tastes full of flavor 😄. Chigasaki Chilori: 20240525