SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Akashidai Check-in 1Akashidai Check-in 2
HYOGO SAKE EXPO 2023" ⑱ Akashi Sake Brewing Company "Akashi Tai" Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture Producing sake since 1960. Expanding markets throughout Europe, including England and France. Deliveries to high-class department stores, starred restaurants, and round-the-world cruise ships. Mr. Bouken told us that it is rare because it is mainly exported, so we tasted it. The brewery staff recommended that we start with this one first. Akashi-tai Special Honjozo Genshu. A classic sake with an alcoholic taste. It was quite harsh in my opinion. Akashi-tai Special Junmai Another classic sake, but it is more than fine. Akashi-tai Daiginjo-genshu Daiginjo-style sake is more gorgeous and less classical, and is very tasty. Forgot to take a picture 💦. Akashidai Ginjo Umeshu Shiraume This plum wine is also very rich and extremely tasty. Forgot to take a picture💦. It's been a while since I had a pure classical sake like Japanese sake.
Good evening, Nemuchi! You have been steadily reviewing the event 👍✨as expected! We had a great time offline yesterday😊Thank you for finding the venue for the after-party and for your thoughtfulness at the restaurant 🙏.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌛Thank you for the off-line meeting 🙇Sakeelan found the restaurant for the after-party in the end 😊Thank you too, for always taking care of everything 🙏.