SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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和酒処天ぷら たかさん
Finally, we got together to talk. On the 21st, we had a long-awaited off-line meeting with Fukuoka members 🎶. We decided to keep it compact and not make it too big, considering the times. Haruei Chichi, MAJ, kuropiso and myself were the 4 people ⤴⤴️. Glysinger19 recommended the restaurant 😂. Sorry Gura-san couldn't join us on short notice 💦. At first, I was planning to order one type of drink at a time and enjoy it slowly. The fridge at the restaurant is full of tempting drinks 😆. But when I saw them, I wanted to try many 😂. I challenged myself by comparing 3 kinds of sake 🎶. ↑upThey offer the same price no matter which sake you choose from the fridge 😍. The first round is a daily warrior training drinking comparison💕. This one from the Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery Fruity but gentle taste I like it because it goes down easy💕 Delicious 🎶
Rika, good evening. The 2nd Off-line meeting (Petit Morioka Off-line meeting) was also held in Tohoku this evening. It seems that we had a good time with delicious drinks. As you may have heard from Chichi-san, I will be coming to Fukuoka in July. 4649!
ShinshinSY 🎶Oh, right 😍I see you were offline in Tohoku too ❕. After all, it's more fun to meet face to face and have a drink 💕💕. I'll keep my schedule open for July 🙆🙆 I'm looking forward to seeing you 🎶.