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Tenbi特別純米 辛天特別純米原酒
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Last but not least! With these words, we were served the first Tenbi in a long time: ❗️ It had been a while since Mr. Fujioka left us! I was a bit curious to try the Shin Ten ‼️ 60% polished domestic rice, 15% alcohol by volume A customer requested a sweet sake. I thought it would be dry, but when I drank it, I found it to be No, no, it was surprisingly not spicy and easy to drink. Is it really dry? It was so good that I thought it was really dry. It's not bad with the fat from the toro taku at the end of the meal 👍. It was a good night of enjoying the combination of good food and sake 😉.
ymdaz, thank you very much 😃. Masayo-san start last spicy heaven! Go in gently, enjoy the food, and finish with sweet and spicy 😚Scary, isn't it👍
Hi Jay & Nobby, good evening here too😃. This restaurant doesn't serve any special rare sake, but I like it a lot because you can find delicious sake that I don't know about and the food is very thoughtful! It's a fun marriage with sake 😊.