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Yoshidagura u能登応援酒③貴醸酒ピンク貴醸酒
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Yoshida Kurau Noto Support Sake (3) Kijoshu Pink The aroma is vinegar iso and caramel type? The aroma is of vinegar iso and caramel? It has a sweet, rich taste that is typical of kijoshu, but it also has a sourness that starts to kick in halfway through, making it less like a kijoshu. The aroma is sweet and rich, like a kijoshu, but the acidity starts to kick in halfway through, making it less like a kijoshu...(All I can say now is that I like the taste! I can say now that it is my favorite taste! I'm not sure if I like it or not...) I bought it because it was very popular on social networking sites 😉.