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Purchased at the warehouse on the way home from trail running! It seems to be a limited edition of the brewery. It's really good. Personally, I think it is the best of all the Juichi Masamune. It has a clear, smooth, bitter, sweet, and umami taste, The bitterness is a little strong, so you won't get bored while eating.
Rafa papa
Hi Beta Alanine 😃 You bought this at the brewery on your way home from trail running 😳⁉️ You have a wonderful life 😌It makes your day even better when the sake you bought tastes good 🤣.
Hi Papaw, I'm so glad to hear that you are enjoying the site! It's already great. It's a brewery 15 minutes from the trek parking lot! I'm so tired, but I'm already drunk 🥴 after running and getting better circulation.