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Fusano KankikuOCEAN 99 銀海 Departure純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Ocean 99 series by Sono Kangiku. I got this bottle late because I knew that this Ginkai was the first bottle in the BY as the name "Departure" implies. From the impression of the bottle and label, I imagined it to be light and dry, but I was wrong. It had a strong sweetness and umami flavor, and the freshness of the sake helped to make it taste delicious the moment you put it in your mouth. The crispness and the refreshing feeling of alcohol in the nose immediately after tasting reminded me of the image of a white airplane flying in the clear blue winter sky, and it reminded me of a fresh and hopeful feeling. I felt a sense of mission to savor this year's Ocean 99 series, starting with this Ginkai, until the next Ginkai, which is expected to be released in November.