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Sannohe no Donberi純米にごり酒
Sannohe no Donberi Check-in 1
With a sake rating of -25, it's supposed to be super dry, but the actual taste is not very pungent. In fact, it's just the right amount of refreshing and easy to drink. With the word "doburoku" in the title, you might have expected it to be sweet, but the data shows it to be super dry. The recent doburoku is not sweet. When I drank moonshine doburoku before, it was very sweet and sour, but this sake has no sourness. And when I drank a dry super-gold from Haguro-cho, Yamagata, I was overwhelmed by the fact that it was drier than I had imagined despite its +2 sake content, but this one was refreshingly easy to drink. I'm impressed that only Hachinohe Brewery, the brewer of the famous "Hassen" sake, can do that. Raw materials : Mutsuhomare Grade of rice: 63%. Alcohol content : 15-16%. Sake meter value : -25 Acidity : 1.4 Price: 1,800ml 2,280 yen