SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yuki no Bosha純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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I found this one at Tenyo Sake Shop in Akita Prefecture. The owner said, "If you want to take this to a desert island, this is the one to take! So I bought it. Today I got some delicious local sashimi from Izu, so I opened a bottle to go with it. The aroma is good! Expectations are high! First sip, mellowness! I love this! I love it! It has a bit of an alcoholic taste at first, but after getting the sashimi with salt, it mellows out and the horns disappear, making it a perfect match! I finished it in no time. I was so happy 😭.
Snow Kayasha itself is my favorite sake, which is refreshing, has a strong sake flavor, and is not habit-forming, but this is something else. It has a nice aroma and the sweetness of rice. The strongest class of sake that goes well with fish. I'm glad I bought this sake. 95 points!