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Morishima美山錦 純米吟醸
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Morishima Miyamanishiki Junmai Ginjo Bottle warmed and fired Purchased as a souvenir from back home The last time I drank the red label one, it was delicious. So I bought a different one this time. The aroma is floral at first, but the aftertaste is clean and refreshing. The aftertaste is refreshing. It was a very beautiful sake. It went well with sashimi. The shrimp crackers were a personal favorite. The shrimp crackers were especially good with the strong taste of prawns. Especially the ones with a strong shrimp flavor.
Good evening, Mihopanda 😃. Miyamanishiki from Morishima! It's delicious 😙. We got 2 bottles last year because Nobby is addicted to it 🤗.
Jay & Nobby Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I enjoyed the Miyamanishiki from Morishima! I was going to drink it slowly and carefully, but it was gone in no time 🤣🤣No wonder I'm addicted to it!