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Ubusuna穂増 四農醸 2024
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Personal preference. 80/100 [Sweetness/Spiciness] Sweet ☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dry Appearance. [hue]. Very pale yellow 《Aroma》[Aroma Medium Ginjo aroma - Melon Ingredient aroma: △ Ears of rice, caramel Aged aroma Other [Examples] Mild ginjo aroma and raw material aroma are the main aroma. Taste [Attack] Medium [Texture] Slightly tight Lather coarse [Taste] Sweet △ Full-bodied Acidity Fat, fresh Bitterness Slightly full-bodied [Complexity] Medium [Aroma] Medium Same as Kamitachiko [Lingering] Medium Length of the first half of the flavor and the second half bitterness ≪[Distinctive elements ≪Notes. [Classification by flavor characteristics] Sake with fragrance Sake with freshness △ Mellow sake △ Mature sake