SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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It's full of tricks, but the quality of the sake is fantastic! The principle is to seriously pack the finest sake quality into such a light looking sake... We make sake with three flavors in mind: aroma, taste, and impactful acidity, and blend them separately. A nice mix of each, a refreshingly light sake that is also very drinkable! The brewer, Yohei Sato, is a serious, nerdy, knowledgeable, and unique individual, and at a previous autumn sake seminar, he gave an easy-to-understand sake explanation in the style of a flip-book comic strip! It was well received and wonderful! (From Sake Sento Horiichisama's website) I had been familiar with this sake since it was available at KURAND, so I ordered it and drank it, thinking, "How dare you come this far! But I ordered and drank it thinking, "Oh no! It's getting better and better! Please keep making it more to my liking! I feel like that! The dish in the photo is a plate for one person at Kinboshi in Akihabara. You must visit alone and order in advance at least 30 minutes before your visit. I was really surprised at the price of 1000 yen. I found a great restaurant!