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KazenomoriALPHA1 夏の夜空純米原酒生酒無濾過
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It was hot and I wanted to enjoy a big glass of low alcohol... so I opened a bottle of this one. The bottle opened with a pop! It opened with a bang. The aroma was clear and sour, with a hint of lactobacillus... I wondered if this was the origin of the Bodhi yeast. When you drink it, it is as you expect, with a nice sourness, grapefruit-like acidity, and a sharp finish! It has a nice sharpness at the end. I appreciate this kind of low-alcohol beer in the humid summer season. I don't get drunk, so I drink more and more... but I want to see how the taste changes, so I hold back and stop halfway through. After the next day, the fizziness subsides, but the sweetness and umami become mellower and more intense. The citrus + lactobacillus-like acidity and a slight bitterness make it drinkable all the way to the end. It is a delicious saké on a hot and humid day.
Good morning, Kotaro-san. It's a delicious drink that can be drunk at night in summer ✨. Kotaro-san's self-control to leave half of it is amazing 😲. I found myself empty 💧.
Good evening, ma-ki-. It's a delicious, refreshing, shwashy drink: ☺️ I could barely keep it because I was drinking other drinks at the same time, but 500ml of this deliciousness will be consumed in one night 😆.