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Shichida七割五分磨き 雄町ひやおろし
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Sake awarded honorable mention at the 2019 Omachi Summit 🍶. Tenzan Sake Brewery, Ogi City, Saga Prefecture, a staple of autumn sake Shichida Shichiromoto Hikari Omachi Hiyoroshi (Hiyori) The Shichi-Wari-Gobun-Higashimi series is brewed to pursue the true flavor of the rice. The aroma is fruity with a sense of maturity. The mild umami and acidity typical of Omachi spreads to the palate. The taste is a mild flavor and acidity that is typical of Omachi, followed by a slight bitterness that stimulates the tongue. The umami is firm! It's so good! If you warm it up a little in the microwave The spiciness that comes out of the nose is good. The spiciness through the nose is nice 😊. Thank you ✨