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Glorious Mt.Fuji極超新星 HYPER NOVA 純米大吟醸無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Tonight's Auras Eiko-Fuji Second Kyokucho Choshinova HYPER NOVA Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake After all, my favorite fruity sake is the one to close the night! The waitress recommended the Kafuda-shu and Tenbi (white) for fruity and sweet sake, but I'm glad I went with this one! The snow has completely melted! It was cold on the way to the hotel, but I no longer had to worry about falling down! It is now the season when it is safe to drink deeply! extensive knowledge An extreme supernova is a phenomenon of extremely strong brilliance. Alcohol content: 16.6%. Sake strength: -6 Acidity: 1.6 Amino acidity: 0.9 Rice used: Setsuwakamaru Rice polishing ratio: 50 Yeast used: Yamagata yeast Condition:Nama sake