SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This is Senkou Kabutomushi 2023 from Senkin-san in Tochigi Prefecture (Sakura City). Since it first came out, it has been gaining popularity on Instagram and other social media as a "summer tradition" and "lemon squash for adults," and we have seen numerous reports of its capture (and purchase). Brewed by Senkin-san, a domaine through and through, from 100% local Yamada-Nishiki, this is a summer sake with a light, sharp malic acidity that creates a refreshing sensation. I had never had it before, so I tried it at the corner bar! The appearance is warm crystal. The aroma has a strong sake-like alcohol aroma with a stimulating nuance of refreshing acidity. When I drank it, the sweetness first came for a moment, then the stimulating citrus acidity spread quickly and disappeared along with the light sweetness and umami. Is this an adult lemon squash taste? I see 🍋. Even when you roll it and mix it with air, the sensation of the sourness escaping is stimulating. Even after a few more sips, the stimulation of the sourness is still there, leaving a slight astringent taste on the tongue. This is a summer sake on the high road, refreshing with its low alcohol content and the fresh stimulation of malic acidity. I can see why it has so many fans. Thank you for the drink 🍶.