SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Sake party at a friend's house Past drinking. After emptying 3 bottles already, my friend brought out something amazing 😆. Takachidai - Gold medal winning sake from the National New Sake Competition 🥇! And only 277 bottles of this limited edition sake 🙌! My friend, are you sure you want to drink this good stuff? Well, I'll drink it without reservation 😁. I've had hiragana Takachiyo before, but this is my first time drinking Kanji Takachiyo! I looked at the back of the label and saw the words "alcohol for brewing" 😳. I sipped it fearfully with anticipation and a little apprehension. ..... I'll leave the taste to your imagination: 🙇‍♂️ I'll just tell you that it had an alcoholic taste.