SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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そば茶屋 華元 本膳庵 アミュプラザくまもと店
Leaving the new sake festival, we went to the second restaurant. The second party was at a soba restaurant on the restaurant floor of Amu Plaza Kumamoto, adjacent to the station. This soba restaurant has a great selection of sake 😁. The price is... no way 🤣. The third cup was Shinkame. This one was served warmed. Everyone knows the taste of Shinkame. It is the best heated sake 🥰. I had it with soba to finish 😋. That was the end of the second bar, and the time was 9:30pm🤣. We decided to go to the third restaurant 🤣. At the third bar, we drank Shigemasu (Fukuoka) and Zuitaka (Kumamoto) and split up at 23:00. Actually, the day before, I had been drinking until 1am at the department's farewell party, so I had been drinking deeply every day 😅. I feel a lot lighter after 2 days 🤣.