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Mizubasho夏酒 純米吟醸 おりがらみ 生貯蔵酒純米吟醸生貯蔵酒おりがらみ
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A recently opened restaurant near our hotel. I was curious about it, so I paid a visit this evening. Oden and Sakana Serori Sapporo Ekimae Branch It's bright and has a very nice atmosphere. The waitresses wear the same uniform and their smiles are also nice 🙆🏻 There are also some alcoholic beverages in the cold storage! They also have Niimasa! First, I ordered some oden and sashimi! I looked at the cold storage myself and decided what kind of sake would go well with it! Green bottle with a bright green label, skunk cabbage Light ginjo aroma Sweet and juicy on the palate! It was a good choice! The sourness of the appetizer of iburigakko potatoes goes perfectly with this sake! And then came the oden (ten kinds of oden)! 🍢🍢🍢🍢🍢🍢🍢🍢🍢🍢 All of them were delicious and full of flavor! Especially this big donko shiitake mushroom! Sake is basically poured into a wine glass! The waiter asks if this much is enough, and when I tell him I'd like a little more, he adds a little more! It's a generous restaurant: ⭕️ extensive knowledge Rice: Yamadanishiki (from the Bessho district of Miki City, Hyogo Prefecture) Polishing ratio: 60 Sake degree: +2 Acidity: 1.5 Alcohol content: 15%. Freshly stored, once fired