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Shichiken Check-in 1
Shichiken Check-in 2Shichiken Check-in 3
I've finished my hiyayogoshi and it's time to enjoy the new sake I've been waiting for 😊. Come to think of it, I bought a bottle of Shichiken's new sake 🍶The name sounds like beer, but as sake, it's only available this time of year. I don't remember Nanaken being this good. ⁉︎ The aroma is a modest ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is easy to drink with just the right amount of sweetness, minerality, and overall clean and fresh 🍏. Sake with a refreshing taste often has a strong alcohol taste in the mouth, but this sake is refreshing all the way through. Yet it has just the right amount of umami, and you can taste the deliciousness of sake. It was a sake that I liked very much! Experiences like this make me want to try brands I don't normally drink ✨I'd like to increase my purchases of Nanaken this year and try a variety of them: ☺️