SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Senkinクラシック仙禽 無垢
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When I visited Izumiya for the first time in about a year, I was troubled by the number of things I wanted to try. After much deliberation, I first chose the Classic Sentori. I wanted to try it at least once before it was gone. I took a sip and found that it had a different lightness from the Modern and the sourness of the Sentori. It is delicious on its own but a bit lonely, so I think it is suitable for a food sake, but this sake, which seems to go with many things, could also be called one of the ultimate food sake (my personal opinion).
Good evening, Mr. Freelancer Ichiyo Otoko 😃. I certainly would like to drink the current series of Sentori's standard 🥹. Oh, I finally went to Tsudanuma Seven the other day 👋
Good evening, Jay & Nobby ^-^. There was only one of these and one sparkler left in the line, and I had a hard time deciding which one to buy. I wanted to buy both if possible. Did you visit Tsudanuma Seven? I am looking forward to hearing about your visit!