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Aramasacolors コスモス2020 別誂直汲純米生酛原酒
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This is Shinmasa Cosmos Betsuatsurae straight from Shinmasa Shuzo. This is a "betsuatsurae" brewed with old rice. The old rice absorbs the aroma of the wooden vat to give it depth, and then it is brewed directly from the rice to get the best of it without letting it air dry. It is brewed in July of R3 from improved Shinkou rice harvested in R2, and after further storage and aging, it is bottled and shipped in March of R5. The bottle was said to be rich in gas when opened, but no gas was felt over time. The appearance is crystal clear. The nose is very delicate and gentle, starting with the aroma of wooden vats, with a mixture of vegetal nuances and sweetness. The texture is smooth, with a hint of sweetness, followed by a quick burst of acidity, which then smoothly dissipated. It has a honey-like sweetness and gentle acidity, and is generally more transparent than regular Cosmos. The aftertaste is medium with a bitter aftertaste. When rolled over, it has a soft acidity, but as the cup is tasted, the refreshing mead-like sweetness is enhanced. This is a clear, high-quality brew with a sense of transparency that shows the brewery's ingenuity. It seems that the brewing of R2 was difficult due to the quality of the rice, and I think they went through a lot of trouble. Thank you very much for your kindness.