SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Smell reminiscent of lactic acid, bananas, wind forest. Light golden color, sticky liquid, sour and sugary sweet, hard water, a bit banana-y, pungent. The aftertaste is sweet and tingly, reminiscent of canned fruit syrup. As you get used to drinking it, you can taste the bitterness. Outweighs the sweetness of the roll cake. After eating the roll cake, you feel the sourness and this is delicious. I want to drink it thick and sweet and sip it little by little. If you add ice, you get sourness and bitterness. When it is warmed up, the strong sweetness is drawn out and changes to a gentle taste, and after the slight sweetness and sourness, it seems to seep in. It is delicious. I couldn't finish my drink.
Good evening, Mr. La! Takacho Bodhi Hashi is delicious 🥰The lactic acid derived acidity and complexity of the Bodhi Hashi made in Shorakuji are intertwined 🤤It is great cold or chilled, but it is also great warmed 😊 if you haven't already 🍶😊.
Good evening, Aladdin. I was surprised to see that it becomes much easier to drink when heated. People used to drink good sake.