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Sakuragao純米吟醸 吟ぎんが 五割磨き純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Next up was Sakura Face Junmai Ginjo (Ginga 50% polished). I am very sorry to say this, but my image of Sakura Face is that of a second-class sake. I have an image of second-class sake, the kind of sake that is sold in small one-part bottles at hotels and ryokan (Japanese-style inns) and sold as much as you can drink. Therefore, I would not order it myself first. But this time, it was served, so I decided to try it. But first, let me explain about the sake. ・・・・・ Ginga" is a variety of rice suitable for sake brewing, named in 1999 and registered under the Seed and Seedling Law in 2002. It has a well-balanced flavor with a refreshing fruity aroma and a robust flavor and richness. We recommend drinking it in a wine glass. ・・・・・ The name of the brewery is "Sakebrewer's Rice for Sake Brewing". I took a sip. There is not much aroma, but it has a firm sweetness and acidity. It is well-balanced and delicious. I was a little bit impressed (laugh). It was delicious! (^o^)
Good evening 😃 Sakura Face is often sold in supermarkets and has the image of a popular sake 💦. But it's interesting to see how different the impression is when you try drinking it from a distributor 🤣.
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, etorannzyu! (^○^) Yes, that's right! Once an image is attached to you, it's hard to change it. So I'm glad it led to a makeover this time. (^^)/