SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
大平山天巧 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^o^) Today is May. Almost half of the year has passed in the blink of an eye, but what in the world have I been doing...(^_^;) Time goes by so fast that I wish I could spend it more leisurely. Well, when I have too much time on my hands, I think the opposite (laughs). Since GW has started, I would like to share with you some of the alcoholic beverages I drank during the first half of GW. This time, my sons came back in the first half of the season...or rather, they came and left in a flash. ┐('~`;)┌ Well, it is a parent's duty to make them drink well, no matter how long or short. First, we started with "Taiheizan Tenkoku Junmai Daiginjo," which we received as a gift... The name "TENKOKU" means "the natural and natural beauty of TENKOKU". The fragrant apple-like aroma and excellent sharpness coexist in the same bottle. It is all Yamada-Nishiki 40% polished rice, and it is Junmai. It is an outstanding spec in this price range and makes its presence felt. Woohoo! So, a sip. Hmmm, it's just plain delicious. Because of its beautiful flavor, it is a high-class food wine. I guess it makes the most of the ingredients and makes you drink it well. It was a gift, so I am sorry for this evaluation.
Tomoyuki Kumagai Good evening. I've had a glass of Daiheizan once, but I've never had such a high quality sake!
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Mr. Sashu! 😄 It was the first time in a long time that all of us were together for a party. We finally got rid of our inventory, including wine (lol). We were going to have a leisurely status report, but we ended up drinking and making a lot of noise! 😁.