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Ishichi特別純米 ひやおろし特別純米ひやおろし
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This store has many brands of ISHICHI 7. In the cold storage room, there are different colored labels of Ishichi. The master recommended a delicious hiyaoroshi. It doesn't feel so matured, but it's easy to drink! It was a good selection! The sourness and sake go well together again. I enjoy Okayama's sake alone tonight with a groan! The master and the customer next door were discussing about Sake while enjoying the snacks 🐟! Knowledge Mr. Sakabayashi here! It seems that they also sell sake, so I searched for this sake on the internet and found it! Since its establishment in 1716 in the middle of the Edo period (1603-1868) by Ishichi Araya, Sakabayashi has been dedicated to sake brewing. It is an easy-to-drink sake made with 100% groundwater from the mountains behind the brewery. Kumaya Sake Brewery uses a mixture of slightly soft and slightly hard water from different wells on the premises for their brewing water. The ratio is a trade secret. There is the tomb of Prince Yorinin, the fourth prince of Emperor Go-Toba, near the brewery, and Prince Yorinin was called Reisen-no-miya, which may have brought soft and hard water to this area.