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Haneya純米大吟醸50 翼 生酒 純米大吟醸生酒
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酒舗 七蔵
Masaaki Sapporo
8 points (Wife: 8.5 points) Rice:Gohyakumangoku produced in Toyama Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol percentage: 15 Sake meter: Undisclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Condition: Nama-shu Sake Shop Shichikura (Sapporo) When opened Pon Moderate gasiness Slightly strawberry-like nose. The same aroma as the fruity topping, plump sweetness, and rice flavor spread sizzlingly, and it finishes quickly with a hint of bitterness and slight acidity. It is a little sweet, but the bitterness and acidity harmonize with each other, giving it a fresh and well-balanced flavor. It is good as a stand-alone sake or as a mid-meal drink. It went well with pasta with shrimp, scallops, and oyster mushrooms in tomato sauce, steamed asparagus with mayonnaise, and sauteed asparagus wrapped in pork belly.