SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Sharaku純米吟醸 夏吟うすにごり純米吟醸にごり酒
Sharaku Check-in 1
The refreshing summer sake. It is not too sweet for the sake that you might expect from the Collage. The refreshing sourness and mild flavor are pleasant. The aftertaste is sour, delicious, and bitter, and it softly disappears. So this is what Miyaizumi's summer sake looks like when it's made? If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say Honjo from Kaze Tachinu. He is the best friend of the protagonist Jiro. He's a good guy and a brilliant engineer who joined Mitsubishi from Tokyo University. And he's a handsome guy. He's somewhat oblique, and his frown is more memorable than his smile, and his sweetness is understated and elegantly bitter. It feels like there is. Satisfaction Level: ★★★★ .