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Hououbiden Check-in 1
Here is the third sake lab. The second glass was a glass of Kamito Tokusyu Jun Dry Kumi, but I forgot to take a picture of it. It is the first autumn sake of the season and costs 440 yen. The balance of umami and acid bitterness is great 😋😋😋😋😋😋. Hououmida is good after all! That's all for this time. When you drink by the glass, you can choose either a 440 yen glass or a slightly smaller 330 yen glass, and when you are done, they pour you your next drink. The service is casual, and the atmosphere is that of a private institute in a sense, without spending any money on the interior. It is a place that is inexpensive and makes you want to drink more. I would like to go there again if I have the chance.